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Welcome to New Jerusalem School!

New Jerusalem Elementary adheres to traditional values with an emphasis on student responsibility and resourcefulness, treating one another with dignity and respect, involving and communicating with parents, and maintaining high academic standards within a caring and thoughtful environment. We are a “school family.” Crime, drugs, gangs, weapons and such are NOT a part of our school environment in any way. Nor is there any tobacco, smoking or alcohol on our campus.

Within a friendly and enjoyable environment, we implement high academic standards according to California State Frameworks. Our most recent API Score was 800, which is a good score, but something we all strive to improve upon.

We have a large, well-stocked, modern library housed in a building recently purchased as a joint project among the Parent-Teacher Club, the School District, and the Charter Schools. The Accelerated Reader program, which encourages voluminous reading by youngsters, is in effect school wide.

We field volleyball, basketball, and soccer teams for boys and girls. After-school tutoring is available at many grade levels. Every classroom is wired for high-speed Internet access and we have a full computer lab with 35 student work stations.

Our GATE program challenges those students who excel to aim higher. To supplement the academic program, we participate in the San Joaquin County Artists-in-Residence program whereby professional artists provide instruction in their areas of expertise

All students have current textbooks that match State Standards. For Grades K-5 the Scott Forseman enVisionMath Series is used for math and Pearson Reading Street is used for reading/language arts. For grades 6-8, Prentice Hall is used for both math and reading/language arts.

Classroom celebrations are held to honor Fabulous Falcon and to give out “Strive for Excellence” awards for especially good student work. We also operate Falcon's Pride and Honor Society programs to recognize students earning a “B” average or better. Periodic “educational” and “fun” assemblies are held on topics ranging from “wildlife visits” to “motivation.”