English Learner Advisory Committee
Frequently Asked Questions
Which schools are required to have an elected English Learner Advisory Committee?
Each school with 21 or more students of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in attendance, regardless of language, must form a functioning English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).
What is the role of the ELAC?
The role of the ELAC is to advise the principal and School Site Council on programs and services for English learners. The ELAC acts in an advisory capacity. It is not a decision making body, but it is the voice of the English learner community. Specifically the ELAC:
- Advises on the development of services for English learners in the Balanced ScoreCard/Single Plan for Student Achievement (BSC/SPSA).
- Assists in the development of the school’s needs assessment and efforts to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
- Has representation on District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
What is the composition of the ELAC?
The ELAC membership must include parents of English learners (ELs), but may also include other duly elected family & community members. The percentage of parents who are elected must be at least equal to the percentage of English learners at the school site. For example, if 50% of the students at a given site are English learners, at least 50% of the membership of the ELAC must be parents of ELs. The remaining 50% of the committee members can be the principal, community members, teachers of participating students, instructional aides, parent liaisons, other parents and staff.
How are members elected to the ELAC?
Only parents of English learners may vote for members of the ELAC. All parents of ELs must receive ballots.
What is EIA-LEP?
Economic Impact Aid-Limited English Proficient (EIA-LEP) is a state categorical program. These supplemental funds are used, kindergarten through grade twelve, to support additional educational programs for English Learners (EL’s). The purpose of these funds is to improve students’ academic achievement. The use of these funds at each school site is described in the site’s academic plan(BSC/SPSA). Typical examples include the purchase of supplemental materials, services of instructional aides, and supplemental resource teachers.